Since it's graduation time again, I'm re-posting this .... with a few updates and today from its original publication of 2004. |
(Receiving graduation invitations was part of having taught public school for twenty years. To bring something unique, I began devising “Advice to Graduates” that I sometimes slipped into cards. I’ve added to it year after year. And I probably will continue to do so. Such is life and its lessons.)
We live in an age of technology that is shrinking the world. Ironically, it is alienating societies and individuals. Tribalism isn’t diminishing, it is growing. So be careful to what “tribe” you choose to belong. In your lifetime, many will appear and beckon. And that includes techy toys. Do you own them? Or do they own you? If you are "woke," who is asleep?
Learn to spend a day or two without any technology, without electricity. Make it a family affair. Learn how to cook over an outdoor fire. Learn how to communicate without an electrical devise. Learn how to imagine. How to improvise. How to communicate verbally. Why? Because, one day, it may just save your life.
And learn how to preserve food!
Talking about food . . . Governments and corporations are slowly, but intentionally, poisoning us. Beware where you buy your food. What you eat. What you feed your children. Teach your family how and what to cook. Read labels and ingredients. Food is a celebration of our planet and our Creator. It should be Christmas every single meal. A gift . . . God's gift to us. Manna.
We live in the prescribed "age of information" where we just have to push a button to find out anything. Well, be very careful. "Easy" is often pleasurable. Instead, seek the responsible. Seek the reasonable and the logical. Think for yourself. Never mind media sources nor their minions ...
With information, there is also mis-information. I am sorry to inform you, but you go into the world and the future having to do even more homework. That is correct. Even more, not less, homework. Do not take any "opinion" for granted. Your life may/will/does depend on doing your own research. America was built during "The Age of Reason." Test and question all evidence. Even if it does not follow the "science" of the time in which you live. Or the popular opinion.
Speaking of science ... Sorry, but there are few "experts." Most are wrong. Remember Covid. Remember government leaders. It is okay to leave behind your family. Noah did not take aboard humans . . . Just animals. Think about that!
Much of what we learn in school is how to function in a group--not how to function on our own. When you can function on your own, you can never be alienated. Instead, you will become a magnet to attract others.
Never underestimate the power of one. One has changed the world. One idea. One action. One vote. One step. One by one. Jesus. Ghandi. Assange.
Be an example. Examples stand alone. That is why they are presented at the beginning of the page of exercises to be solved. As of right now, this very minute, I challenge you to pledge to be a problem solver. Pledge, to be a solution in your life. Pledge to improve your generation and your country. From relationships, to jobs, to marriage, to parenting. Do not be a problem in all that you endeavor. No one enjoys complication! Keep it simple.
Trust in the Universe. It is our last frontier. Learn from it. The greatest strides in civilization have come from looking up, not down. The Universe is limitless and undiscovered. There are no horizons in space. No ups. No downs. No sideways. No Left. No Right. Don’t be afraid to make your own horizons. Make your own directions. Make sure your mind is as open and as vast as space itself. Is Earth flat? You tell me!
And, yes, we are not alone in the Universe. Get used to it.
Honor Nature, for we are losing it minute by minute. We live on a wonderful, incredible, transformational planet! What have you done to make it better? To preserve its beauty? To guarantee its success? Your body is your mini-me planet. Health is a life-long process. Honor it with physical nourishment. Spiritual nourishment. Academic nourishment.
Don't be a slob. Your environment is a reflection of your brain. And personal hygiene and dress is a reflection of common sense. Even a cat cleans itself.
Hey! It is okay to be afraid. Fear is often the harbinger of growth. Don’t run away! It is better to be scared and to go forward then not to be scared and end up going nowhere. As Einstein said, “Adversity is opportunity in disguise.”
There is no such thing as “absolute truth.” The purpose of being human, the purpose of being educated, the purpose of being civilized, and the responsibility of living in a civilized and free culture is to question and to learn. Learn from everything. Take what is best from all ideologies, cultures, individuals, religions. To do so means your are always CONSTRUCTING your life, not just LIVING a life. Not to do so means others are living your life for you. And that has led to every major war in our time.
Right now, your entire world has been contained within your home or your school. Even your town. You have won sport awards. You have run the fastest. You have broken records. You have achieved the most A's and B's. How wonderful. But now that all changes ... and you transcend from the safe womb of buildings to the scary life of the real world. Build. Build. Build.
I'm sorry, but no one really cares who you are. I know that sounds cruel, but that is just how life works. If you have awards, don't forget them, Instead, help others to also achieve.
So, maybe you aren't the most successful ... But now is your chance. During events such as this, we talk about future, future, future. Well, no future is endless. Right now, you all have incredible decades ahead of you to decide who you are. Never give up!
Success really is measured in “having,” “getting,” and “acquiring.” And, yes, money really can make you happy. That is why we work. But it is also measured in what you give to others. And the grace and manner with which you receive when given to. For those to whom much is given, much is expected in return--even if it is only a jar of soup gifted to a neighbor.
Start an emergency savings account today. Put change in a jar. Bank dollar bills in a can in the freezer. Put it out of reach but within easy access. Pay your own way ... Be independent. And God will add it all up for you. In fact, invest in God's money, gold and silver. Hang onto it.
Remember Emerson who said we always know when we are about to do something that is wrong. Listen to that inner voice. Cultivate and meditate in its silence. Intuition can and will save your life. It can prove you innocent.
There is no such thing as a good secret. The easiest way to destroy a relationship, family, business, government, even yourself, is through secrets. There are two sides to every story. In politics, there are six.
Guess what? It really does make a difference who is the President of the United States. Don't just cast a vote, cast an informed vote. And do the same for every level of government. Don't skip your local elections. They are often the most important.
Life isn’t easy. It’s not supposed to be. You don’t have a right to expect it to be. Treasure its challenges as difficult as they may be. Difficulties are often hidden clues that point the way to your destiny and identity. Suffering will cleanse your pride and strengthen your humility. Much of life is a fight. If you aren’t fighting and arguing, maybe you are not living.
Speaking of life . . . Life is creation! So never stop creating. Draw. Paint. Plant. Sculpt. Bake. Read. Think. Write. Sing. Compose. Share. But, for heaven’s sake, make something from nothing! Don’t be someone who makes nothing from everything.
Volunteer! Praise and support those who do! Join in!
From this moment forward, life becomes less and less about you. And remember this: marriage is less about love than it is about the other person. Anyone can fall in love. And most do. But only half can love their other half more than they do themselves. And if you have children, life is all about them, not you. Grow up!
Marriage is for life. Choose wisely.